MonetaryDeathPenalty Plugin for minecraft 1.6.4

MonetaryDeathPenalty Plugin for minecraft 1.6.4

Introduction plugin MonetaryDeathPenalty:It’s will remove currency from a player’s account when they die. That a cool to help balance a server’s economy.

Description MonetaryDeathPenalty Plugin

This is the MonetaryDeathPenalty plugin you can add to your server to monetary penalise players that die. It is currently v1.65 and was designed for V1.6.4. It requires Vault and WorldGuard. MonetaryDeathPenalty also supports most permissions and most currency plugins.

I will continue to support this and add many more features. If you have any suggestions please let me know in the comments or through a pm.

Installation and configuration

Place the MonetaryDeathPenalty.jar into your plugins directory and then run the server.
