[1.8.8/1.8/1.7.10] Pokécube Mod for MC

Download and Install Pokécube Mod for Minecraft

Pokecube mod does add a lot of wild Pokécube to our worlds of Minecraft. These creatures can be domesticated by making use of the famous Pokeballs, which in addition to capturing, will be used to tame the collected Pokémon.

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge API
  • The mod removes all the other mobs from the game. So, it’s kind of incompatible with other mods which add mobs (and that’s a good point).
  • At the loading of a new world or when you join a server for the first time, a screen will be displayed in order to make you choose your starter.
  • You’ll also get some empty pokecubes and a healing table.
  • Control your Pokemob is an easy thing. Launch the pokecube (right clic), the Pokemob appears.
  • If you launch it against another mob, it will attack it. Else, it stays in the place and doesn’t move.
  • Per right clic on the mob (if you’re close enough), you can allow it to move or to stop (as a dog in Minecraft). Per left clic, you get it back to its pokecube.
  • The mod is multilingual, so if your native language is implemented yet you can display the Pokemon names and the moves in the way you know them.
Download now:

